Cameron County International Bridge System Contract Award

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On January 2, of 2024 TRMI was awarded the Toll Collection System Upgrade contract for the Cameron County International Bridge System. Cameron County has been a client of TRMI since 1986 with several upgrades over this time period.

The Cameron County International Bridge System is comprised of three separate bridges into Mexico: Veterans International Bridge at Los Tomatoes in Brownsville, TX with 6 vehicle lanes and 1 ADA pedestrian lane, Free Trade International Bridge in Los Indios, TX with 3 vehicle lanes and 1 ADA pedestrian lane, and Gateway Bridge in Brownsville, TX, with 3 vehicle lanes, 5 turnstile pedestrian lanes, as well as 1 ADA pedestrian lane. Their mission is to serve as the most convenient and safe crossing points for all citizens and tourists of both U.S. and Mexico, as well as facilitate the crossing of all freight and import-export trade in a timely and efficient manner.

This system upgrade will provide optimized reporting and functionality, a comprehensive digital video audit system, interoperability with the Fuego tag, a new RFID system, credit cards, and improved pedestrian operations with coin and proximity cards.

TRMI provided a lane software upgrade in 2005 and a system upgrade in 2014. We are proud to offer this upgrade to continue our tenured relationship with Cameron County.